

The policies, boundaries and agreements that underpin my work.

  • Below is the working agreement used with all my direct clients. This working agreement applies for the duration of the time we work together. I will direct you to read and agree to it before our first session together.


    The purpose of this working agreement is to make clear our intention to work together for the benefit of your wellbeing, and to establish the boundaries and arrangements for this process.


    In all the work we do, I commit to being present with you during our sessions and holding your wellbeing as the central focus. I endeavour to listen and respond to you with compassion and honesty and to communicate with respect. I honour your autonomy, boundaries and consent. In return, I ask that you respect mine. I ask that you attend your sessions with a commitment to fully participating in your journey.

    My aim is to support your personal growth, healing, empowerment and integration. I recognise the importance of your emotional, physical, mental, spiritual and sexual wellbeing in all that we do.

    Together, we will co-create the journey which best matches your needs and desires. We will have regularly check-ins with this process and I encourage you to voice any changes in your needs and desires. At times, the experiences you enter may evoke challenging emotions. This can be cathartic, healing and growthful. However, if you feel unsafe or overwhelmed I ask you to express this to me and speak your needs to find safety again. Safe words and signals will be established where needed.

    The process of our work may involve talking (counselling, coaching and compassionate listening) and/or somatic modalities (body working, massage, conscious kink, breathwork, etc.) and/or energy work (tantric practices, reiki, sex magick). I strive to provide a range of options from which you can actively elect to participate in. You will never be coerced to participate in any activity which you do not feel serves you. Our work is underpinned by the ethics of consent. I encourage you to be as honest with me as possible in all that we do. At times, your voice may be communicating a different message to what I can read from your body. In this case, I will always open a discussion on how you would like to proceed.

    I endeavour to ensure all touch is undertaken with consciousness and in honouring of your boundaries. Our boundaries will be discussed, agreed and set at the beginning of each session. I will never seek to meet my erotic appetite through my clients and do not have any form of sexual contact with clients outside of sessions, unless they are already a sexual partner before we begin working together. Should either of us be finding difficulties with sexual attraction distracting from your process, an honest discussion will take place assessing the suitability of our work together.

    In all touch, adequate precautionary measures and hygiene protocols will always be followed.


    I require a deposit for all bookings which is non-refundable unless the session is cancelled by myself

    The remaining payment is due on the day

    I may unilaterally terminate our professional relationship should I feel I am not serving your needs and will endeavor to provide appropriate referrals and support during such a transition

    You are free to terminate our professional relationship at any time, for any reason. It is helpful if this is communicated to me, so we can conclude our work together cleanly.


    The information I keep in relation to you and our work together may consist of direct messages, email/text exchanges, appointment dates and times and session notes I may keep as a memory aide.

    All electronic data is held on password protected devices and all client notes are held with an additional layer of password-protected encryption

    You may choose not to share your legal name with me, in which case all notes will be held under a pseudonym of your choice

    Following the end of your work with me, any non-essential records will be deleted or destroyed within a reasonable time frame. Any essential records (such as accounting records) may be held for as long as there is a legitimate need to do so.


    What you share with me is held in sacred confidence in all but extreme circumstances. The only situations in which I may choose to break this confidentiality is if I believe you or others are at serious risk of harm, or if I am legally required to disclose relevant details relating to our work. Where possible, I will discuss this with you. In any of my discussions with supervisors or adjacent professionals, your identity will be protected. Should your behaviour cross my boundaries, make me unsafe, or threaten me in any way, and warnings and discussions between us fail to rectify this, I may choose to pass this information on to a local safety alerts group to protect the safety of the wider community. In this case, I would also terminate our working agreement. In extreme cases, I may choose to make a report to relevant authorities such as police.


    As a professional, I follow the ethical guidelines of the Association of Somatic and Integrative Sexologists, which can be found here: https://www.the-asis.org/ethics

    My insurance is through their recommended provider, Foyht/BGI.UK

  • Please read this before reserving a space at Serenity Pleasure Temple. By entering the space, you are agreeing to act within the Loving Boundaries below.

    1. Approach all things with love

    While we seek pleasure, in whatever form that appears to us, we will not sacrifice love for ourselves and for others in the pursuit of pleasure. All other boundaries in this space are the children of this sacred belief.

    2. We are all responsible for ourselves

    In this space, we are all responsible for ourselves. We take responsibility for knowing, holding and communicating our own boundaries. We endeavour never to cross our own or other's boundaries, and agree to seek appropriate support and safety should we find we have done so.

    3. Be mindful in entering altered states of consciousness

    Pleasure, pain, kink, orgasm, power, love, breathwork, prayer...all of these can induce altered states of consciousness. We enter into these states mindfully and are conscious of the use of substances which may further alter our state of consciousness. If we choose to use legal plant medicines (such as legal herbs in the form of teas, tinctures or oils) as part of our pleasure practices, we do so with care. We agree not to bring or use highly intoxicating substances such as alcohol or poppers and understand that illegal drugs are never permitted under any circumstances.

    4. Our physical, emotional and spiritual safety are paramount

    We carefully consider our safety and the safety of others. We accept that there are risks to our chosen activities and endeavour to educate ourselves about potential risks and mitigate those risks wherever possible. We agree to clearly communicate our personal risks when needed, such as health concerns, STIs and mental health considerations. In the event of a safety incident, we agree to bring a team member into awareness as soon as possible.

    5. We honour consent & boundaries

    The model of consent recommended in this space is the Wheel of Consent. We encourage individualised discussions of boundaries, limits and desires before embarking on a pleasure journey. However, we recognise that consent and boundaries are handled in different ways by different people. As long as all involved are satisfied that your consent discussions are appropriate to your intended journey, we are accepting. By entering this space, you are consenting to witnessing other's pleasure journeys, nudity and emotions.

    6. We are consciously respectful while in this sacred space

    This means respectful of the environment; taking off our shoes, clearing up our messes, keeping social noise to a minimum in the sacred play space. And respectful of others; not interrupting scenes, being mindful of other's space, toys and play style, keeping our questions and conversations respectful, asking for consent before touching others. Team members are within their role to remind us of this at any time.

    7. Leave shame and judgement at the door

    Serenity is a space that welcomes play that may be unusual or even unheard of at other events. While we may see some play that is new to us, or perhaps makes us uncomfortable, we accept that that feeling is our responsibility to unpack and that we will remove ourselves from the play space if we find other's play triggering. Should you be seriously concerned, please speak directly to Luna or another team member rather than interrupting another's journey.

    It may be necessary for team members to check in with those undergoing journeys to ensure their safety is being honoured. If you wish to embark on a pleasure journey that may appear concerning to onlookers, it is helpful to bring a team member into awareness so that you will not be interrupted to check safety & consent. At times, individuals may not be ready for this space, and we may use our discretion to recommend further healing work before returning to the temple.

    8. Confidentiality is honoured and respected

    We honour the knowledge we gain from other's journeys and agree not to share the intimate details of others without their explicit, authentic consent. This includes photography: please do not take ANY photos inside the temple. We discourage the use of phones within the sacred play space and ask that you only use your phone in the social area or outside.

    Anyone found to have taken photos or videos within Serenity Pleasure Temple will be permanently blacklisted & their ban will be reported to other event organisers in the local area. Any photos or videos that appear online of Serenity Pleasure Temple will have been taken by members of the team with the explicit, authentic consent of all included.

    9. Respect our beautiful team

    You are welcome to approach team members for help at any time, however we ask that you try to approach those that are clearly free. All team members accept that their play and conversations may be interrupted to fulfil their helping role. Anyone that engages in play with a team member accepts that they may be interrupted should the need arise (particularly for those playing with Luna).

    If you desire a pleasure journey with a team member, please approach them respectfully, understanding that they too have desires, needs and boundaries. Their play is not a performance and their role is not to dispense play but to hold the space with safety and love. While all team members may engage in play, they are not expected to.

    For ethical reasons, Luna does not approach others to play in this space and if you desire a pleasure journey with her you will need to approach her. Entering Serenity Pleasure Temple does not guarantee play with team members or other participants.

    10. Honour our energy exchange

    Money is a form of energy and by reserving a place at the temple, you take responsibility for that place and the energy exchange for it. If you are unable to attend, we will do our best to find a way to refund your money (minus the ticket handling fee from eventbrite). Please contact Luna as soon as you know you won't be coming, so she can bounce the ticket offer down the waitlist and see if anyone picks it up. You are also welcome to transfer your ticket to someone else, just let Luna know. Luna assesses refunds on a case-by-case basis but as a general rule it's highly unlikely your ticket will be refunded 24-48 hours before the event unless someone else can pick it up.

    11. Speak up for what you need

    We are welcoming of those with additional needs in our space. Whether that be neurodivergency, disability, trauma recovery, financial needs or anything else of that nature, we are happy to support wherever we can. But, we can't help if we don't know. So please, tell us if there is anything we can do to help.

    In line with Luna's values, 10% of tickets are available to be Outreach tickets, which are heavily discounted to allow for those that would otherwise be unable to access this space to attend. While no proof will be required, we ask that you respect this honour system and understand these tickets are designed to help those most in need of healing to access the space.

    Our agreement as space holders is to ensure these boundaries are held with love, that appropriate and proportionate reminders and education are given and that violators are disallowed from this sacred space.

    All concerns will be explored on an individual basis, investigated with care and consideration, and held in confidentiality until completed. We encourage you to approach a team member with any issues so that it can be dealt with immediately, but if you need to contact someone later please message Luna directly. Others may be informed in certain circumstances, for example if a blacklist (ban) is being considered or enacted, other local event hosts may be informed. Please note that being grey or black-listed from Serenity also grey/black-lists an individual from all of Luna's events.

    We are delighted to welcome you to this sacred space of sensuality and can't wait to witness your beautiful pleasure adventures!

  • These are the boundaries that all team members at Serenity agree to as part of their role. We feel is important to be as transparent and authentic as possible, so we want you to know what goes on behind the scenes for our lovely little crew!

    To begin, thank you for fulfilling a helping role and being part of the Serenity team. Your contributions are welcomed with such gratitude. In exchange for your helping role, your entry to the pleasure temple space will be free. If you need any help with transportation or accommodation, please speak to Luna.

    1. Please model the behaviour we expect from visitors to the temple by following all the temple's loving boundaries.

    2. If you are involved in other events or run a business that feels adjacent to the themes at Serenity, you are welcome to respectfully promote it within the space. Feel free to place your cards or leaflets by the entrance and in the dressing area and give a shout out to your work in the opening circle. Any help with promoting Serenity Pleasure Temple that you are happy to take on within your spaces is greatly appreciated.

    3. You may approach others to play and may be approached to play by others. All play you participate in is entirely up to you, never feel you must say yes or participate in play that does not meet your needs, boundaries and desires. When offering the experience of rejection, please do so in a consciously gentle way. When approaching others to play, please be mindful of potential power dynamics and give plenty of space for a "no".

    4. Be mindful of how many other team members are playing before embarking on a pleasure journey. If you are the only team member not playing, please do not begin play until someone else is ready to take over the holding of the space.

    5. At times, visitors to the temple may approach you for advice and teaching on specific skills you are known for. You are welcome to share your knowledge should you wish, but you do not have to take on a teaching role in any capacity that is uncomfortable for you. Serenity is a primarily a pleasure space, not an educational one. Feel free to signpost to educational resources or events.

    6. Sometimes visitors may ask you for help with emotional safety, managing triggers or other soothing/space holding roles. Please enter into this with care, and without crossing your own boundaries. Should you feel unable or unwilling to hold space for someone, please gently hand them over to Luna or another member of the team.

    7. Should you witness a boundary or consent violation, please step in immediately (if appropriate) and seek Luna as soon as possible (or send someone else to).

    8. Sometimes the pleasure journeys in the temple may involve behaviour that can trigger others or appear concerning to bystanders. Use your best judgement here. If someone informs you of their play intentions so that they will not be interrupted, please inform other team members where possible. If you have not been informed and you are seriously concerned, please do step into the situation and gently confirm all is well (preferably with all involved - but please seek consent of the top(s) to ensure it is appropriate to talk directly to bottom(s) so as to not cause a jarring pull out of headspace). If you are unsure, speak to Luna. If play that is triggering you is occurring while you are attempting to hold space, please find another team member to relieve you (regardless of if they are playing).

    9. If a safety issue occurs, use your best judgement in the situation. Please bring Luna into awareness as soon as it is safe to do so. In any safety situation, prioritise the need of the vulnerable person before seeking out Luna. Never abandon a safety issue if your presence is needed and instead send another person to inform Luna. In a medical emergency do not hesitate to call 999.

    10. You accept that in your role as a team member, you may have your conversations and play interrupted. Please inform anyone that you are playing with that you may be interrupted but that you will do your best to maintain the integrity of the pleasure journey. Please only interrupt the play of other team members if it is truly necessary. If it is a choice between interrupting Luna and interrupting another team member, it is usually best to interrupt Luna.

    11. You have been invited to be a member of the team at Serenity Pleasure Temple because your judgement is trusted by Luna, you have displayed respectful awareness of others and the ability to hold your own boundaries. However, your behaviour both in and outside of the temple is your own responsibility. Please remember that if your behaviour outside of Serenity is cause for concern, it may jeopardise your role as a trusted helper inside the temple. Allegations of abuse or consent violations will be considered with the highest standards of care.

  • Your privacy is very important to me and you can be confident that your personal information will be kept safe and secure and will only be used for the purpose it was given to me. I adhere to current data protection legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (EU/2016/679) (the GDPR), the Data Protection Act 2018 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003.

    This privacy notice tells you what I will do with your personal information from initial point of contact through to after your work with me has ended.

    I am happy to chat through any questions you might have about my data protection policy and you can contact me via email at luna@lunaloves.uk. ‘Data controller’ is the term used to describe the person/ organisation that collects and stores and has responsibility for people’s personal data. In this instance, the data controller is me.


    The GDPR states that I must have a lawful basis for processing your personal data. There are different lawful bases depending on the stage at which I am processing your data. I have explained these below: If you have worked with me as a client and told me our time together has now ended, I may use legitimate interest as my lawful basis for holding and using your personal information if needed. If you are currently working directly with me or if you are in contact with me to consider it, I will process your personal data where it is necessary for the performance of our contract. The GDPR also makes sure that I look after any sensitive personal information that you may disclose to me appropriately. This type of information is called ‘special category personal information’. The lawful basis for me processing any special categories of personal information is that it is for provision of health treatment and necessary for a contract with a health professional (in this case, a contract between me and you).

    If you attend my events processed through Eventbrite, your information may be held on their site and processed for my use for analytics.



    When you contact me with an enquiry about my services I will collect information to help me satisfy your enquiry. This will include your name, your contact details and any information you provide me about your goals and needs for working together. If you decide not to proceed I will ensure all your personal data is deleted within a reasonable timeframe. If you would like me to delete this information immediately, just let me know.


    Rest assured that everything you discuss with me is confidential and what you share with me is held in sacred confidence in all but extreme circumstances. The only situations in which I may choose to break this confidentiality is if I believe you or others are at serious risk of harm, or if I am legally required to disclose relevant details relating to our work. Where possible, I will discuss this with you. In any of my discussions with supervisors or adjacent professionals, your identity will be protected. Should your behaviour cross my boundaries, make me unsafe, or threaten me in any way, and warnings and discussions between us fail to rectify this, I may choose to pass this information on to a local safety alerts group to protect the safety of the wider community. In this case, I would also terminate our working agreement. In extreme cases, I may choose to make a report to relevant authorities such as police.

    I will keep a record of your personal details to help the my services run smoothly. These details are kept securely on my private devices and within an encrypted, password-protected system. I may keep written notes of our sessions as a memory aid. Our appointment times and locations will be kept on my secure google calendar. After our work has ended, I will delete correspondence between us within a reasonable timeframe (usually 6 months - 1 year) . Once you have told me our time together has ended your records will be kept for one year from the end of our work with each other and are then securely destroyed. If you want me to delete your information sooner than this, please tell me.


    I sometimes share personal data with third parties, for example, to process the tickets for my events, keep secure notes for direct client work and send my email newsletter. Your information may be shared with squarespace, evernote, eventbrite, google and other IT services. For the majority of these, you would be entering the information yourself and entering into your own data agreement with these services. I may also share information with my regulators such as ASIS, HMRC, Companies House or the ICO. Your name and contact details will not be shared with my regulators.


    I try to be as open as I can be in terms of giving people access to their personal information. You have a right to ask me to delete your personal information, to limit how I use your personal information, or to stop processing your personal information. Should you wish to use a pseudonym while working with me, I will respect that.

    You also have a right to ask for a copy of any information that I hold about you and to object to the use of your personal data in some circumstances. You can read more about your rights at ico.org.uk/your-data-matters. If I do hold information about you I will: • give you a description of it and where it came from; • tell you why I am holding its, tell you how long I will store your data and how I made this decision; • tell you who it could be disclosed to; • let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form. You can also ask me at any time to correct any mistakes there may be in the personal information I hold about you. To make a request for any personal information I may hold about you, please put the request in writing addressing it to luna@lunaloves.uk. If you have any complaint about how I handle your personal data please do not hesitate to get in touch with me by writing or emailing to the contact details given above.


    I take the security of the data I hold about you very seriously and as such I take every effort to make sure it is kept secure. All digital data is kept on password protected devices used exclusively by myself, and all client notes are kept on an additional encrypted, password-protected note system. Any paperwork is kept locked in my secure private office.


    When someone visits my website, I use a third party service, squarespace to collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behaviour patterns. I do this to find out things such as the number of visitors to the various parts of the site. This information is only processed in a way that does not identify anyone. I do not make, and do not allow squarespace to make, any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting my website. I use legitimate interests as my lawful basis for holding and using your personal information in this way when you visit my website. Like most websites we use cookies to help the site work more efficiently, these are processed through squarspace. No user-specific data is collected by me or any third party. If you fill in a form on my website, that data will be temporarily stored on the web host before being sent to me.

  • Your use of this website is subject to the following terms:

    The content of the pages of this website is for your general information and use only. It’s subject to change without notice.

    I try to make sure that the information on this site is accurate. However, I can’t guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, performance, completeness or suitability of the information and materials on this website for any particular purpose. You acknowledge that such information and materials may contain inaccuracies or errors.

    Your use of any information on this website is entirely at your own risk. It’s your responsibility to make sure that any products, services or information available through this website meet your specific requirements.

    This website contains material which is owned by or licensed to me. This material includes, but is not limited to, the design, layout, look, appearance and graphics. Reproduction is prohibited.

    From time to time this website may also include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that I endorse the website(s). I have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s).

    Your use of this website and any dispute arising out of such use of the website is subject to the laws of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

    All cookie, data and accessibility policies are handled through my site provider, squarespace.